

I'm becoming a big fan of E2E tests with Cypress, but reloading a web application between each test can be fairly slow. We can avoid a lot…

It's worth watching this talk by Sandi Metz. It was given at a Ruby conference, but the concepts are language independent. Really, watch it…

Brief Intro to CloudFormation

This post is adapted from a quick-start guide I wrote for our infrastructure team. I wrote this because the CloudFormation docs, though well…

Using Storybook with Vue

Storybook is a fantastic tool for developing UI components, but there are a few tricks to pairing it with Vue. Here's a collection of…

Voice Coding with VS Code

Make voice coding faster, reduce cognitive load, and maintain your grammars more easily by moving complex actions into your editor. One of…

I've migrated my site from Jekyll to GatsbyJS, the static site generator built on React, webpack, and GraphQL. I got to work with some new…

KVM is a part of the Linux kernel that allows it to act as a hypervisor, which sounds cool enough to make you feel silly for installing…


BlackBox is a puzzle game for desktop and mobile -- and a remake of a board game Black Box. Its tagline: The ultimate game of hide and seek…